Over the past three decades, Dr. Gold has enhanced her patients’ access to integrative medicine by developing and expanding her skills in osteopathic manipulation, hypnotherapy, Reiki, medical acupuncture, aromatherapy, mindfulness, Iyengar yoga, Ayuverdic Medicine and Transcendental Meditation. She is board certified by American Board of Medical Acupuncture since 2014. She completed a Doctorate in Medical Qi Gong in January 2017. She is a Reiki Master since 2008. She has been gradually expanding the use of integrative health care modalities in the school based health centers (SBHCs) at the New York Presbyterian Hospital by adding aromatherapy, acupressure, mindfulness and self-hypnosis to the range of services offered by the SBHC staff. She completed the Foundations in Integrative Health Course, a 45-hour online course sponsored by the University of Arizona College of Integrative Medicine and the National Center for Integrative Primary Healthcare (NCIPH).
Clinical interests in Integrative Health Care
- Integrative modalities offered
- Acupuncture (including electro acupuncture, Chinese scalp acupuncture, auricular acupuncture), trained in moxabustion and Gua sha but not offered at the SBHCs
- Acupressure
- Reiki
- Medical Qi Gong
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Aromatherapy
- Osteopathic Manipulation
- Mindfulness
- Office address and phone number
Dr. Gold medical, mental health, and health education staff and I can only see children and adolescents that are currently enrolled at one of the seven NY Presbyterian Hospital School Based Health Centers which include:
- John F. Kennedy High School
- George Washington Educational Campus
- IS-164 (Stitt Junior High School)
- IS-52
- IS-143
- Thurgood Marshal Academy
- IS-136 (Percy Sutton Educational Campus)
- Type of insurance taken or payment
Integrative health services are included as part of the SBHC services and are not charged at this time. Parent notification and verbal agreement is required prior to provision of acupuncture services by Dr. Gold to youth under the age of 18 years.
Address: Center for Community Health and Education, 60 Haven, Level B-3, Room 308, New York, NY 10032
Phone: 646-740-6525 (work cell)
Email: mag2295@columbia.edu